Decent Work: Can Cooperatives make a difference?

Report of the COPAC Open Forum 2000
(Geneva, Switzerland)


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Full presentations from the forum

Joe Fazzio, COPAC Chair and Chief, Coop Branch, International Labour Office (ILO)
Keynote Address
Göran Hultin, Executive Director, Employment Sector, International Labour Office (ILO)
PowerPoint and text
pdf (296 KB)
Opening Remarks
Roberto Rodrigues, President, International Co-operative Alliance
pdf (96 KB)
Cooperative Employment Trends in the United States During Economic Prosperity
Paul Hazen, President and CEO of the National Cooperative Business Association, USA
Text of presentation
pdf (23 KB)
Comment le Crédit Mutuel crée de nouveaux emplois et maintient les emplois existants? / How does Crédit Mutuel create new jobs and maintain jobs ?
Paule Arcangeli, Director, Human Resources on behalf of Etienne Pflimlin, President, Confédération Nationale du Crédit Mutuel, France
PowerPoint (en français)
pdf (60 KB)
Text of presentation (en français)
pdf (85 KB)
New Cooperatives in Scandinavia
Bruno Roelants du Vivie on behalf of Elisabet Mattsson, President, Women Commission, European Confederation of Workers´ Cooperatives, Social Cooperatives and Participative Enterprises (CECOP)
pdf (60 KB)
Text of presentation
pdf (85 KB)
La Experiencia de Mondragón Corporación Cooperativa: Política y Gestión de Empleo: The Mondragon Experience
Javier Salaberria, President, Confederación de Cooperativas de Euskadi, Spain
PowerPoint (en español)
pdf (1.8 MB)
Text of presentation (en español)
pdf (304 KB)
Struggle and Development
Namrata Bali, Director of SEWA Academy and Secretary, Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), India
pdf (2.7 MB)
Abstract of presentation
pdf (12 KB)
Decent Work: Yes, cooperatives do make a difference!
Charles Kabuga, Acting Head, Developing Country Activities, International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP)
pdf (22 KB)
Text of presentation
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Joe Fazzio, COPAC Chair and Chief, Coop Branch, International Labour Office (ILO)